Workshops & Speakers
KeyNote Speakers
Colin Leaver
Keynote Title: Blueprints and Battle-plans
Jim Oribine
I have been a follower of Jesus for almost 40 years. Throughout that time, I have sought to continually grow in my faith and contribute to my community. The Lord has been with me through many valleys, and has taken me to many hilltops. He has blessed me a wife, five children, ten grandchildren and countless others who I have had the privilege of teaching over the years. Whether as a small group leader, Walk Thru the Bible Instructor, or teacher, my passion is to make the Word of God understandable, practical and applicable for each and every person.
Keynote Title: The Truth is Out There!
We live in a sceptical world. Nowadays everything is being questioned. When these questions address our spiritual lives, often society would lead us to believe that there are no answers. THERE ARE ANSWERS! We can KNOW the expectations of God for our lives. We can KNOW how to live out our Christian walk. We can KNOW how to return to a God who we have neglected and drifted away from. This talk will explore the answer to questions society would have us believe have no answer. Together we will learn how to reconstruct our spiritual lives with the assurance of God's presence and will for our lives.
Rick Campbell
Keynote Title: Choose Your Stink
Paul faced a serious problem with the church at Corinth - division, immorality, public disorder and more. Why? Did they have inadequate teaching? Did they lack proper financing? Did they not have the right programs? Paul once again lays out the foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Corinthians, reminding them of who they are in Christ. He lays out the choice before them: life or death? Choose life!
Garret Watts
Garret considers himself to be very blessed for being born into a dedicated, Christian household. This has provided so many blessings in his life. Garret came to know Jesus at a young age and has been walking with Him ever since. Garret is happily married to Janine and has been so for 23 years. He is a father to two adult children, Gabby and Greg. Studying scripture and learning from great teachers has been a joy in his life too. Being able to share what he has learned is a passion in his life.
Workshop Name:
Ben Dulmage
My name is Ben Dulmage. I am a father of two beautiful girls and been married for 14 years to a wonderful wife. I work as an educational assistant for the Hastings Prince Edward School Board, and have seen a lot of changes in our world over the past 15 years. My home church is Parkdale Baptist in Belleville where I am active as a Sunday school teacher for grades 3&4, and volunteer with an outreach program in the Prince Charles PS area on Thursday nights. I am a work in progress and try actively to seek out opportunities for sharing my faith and the love the Jesus's Holy Spirit provides for me. Repentance and humbleness are factors in my life I aim to focus on, and I am in no way perfect.
Workshop Name: The Broken Men of God
The Broken Men of God will focus on men from the Bible who made individual choices to follow their own paths, or seek out true forgiveness for their actions and looked for guidance. Exploring the differences in these choices, how they can make an impact on us today in our world as we face the same struggles, challenges and pit falls.
Making comparisons of the old testament, compared to New Testament, now redeemed by the blood of the Savior and filled with the holy spirit.
Colin Leaver: For the love of...
A guided discussion about how men love God, family, self and sin.
Mike Gaudaur
Mike spent 25 years teaching in Christian schools, 15 of them at a school for missionary kids in Kenya. After returning to Canada in 2013 Mike has been running his own photography studio and then expanding his business to include a variety of photo services. Mike has a Bachelor of Religious Education degree from London Baptist Bible College and a Master of Theological Studies degree from Heritage Seminary. Mike and his wife, Deanna, have two grown children both serving in full time Christian ministries.
Workshop Name: The Command to Rest
God gave his people the sabbath as a day of rest because He knew we needed it. Yet we so often ignore the command to rest and push through with our work because we think we are doing what is best for us and our families. This will be an interactive workshop to investigate what God says about Sabbath rest, discover why we find it so hard to do, and develop strategies we can use to bring our lives into alignment with God’s will.